Use Mobile Marketing Coupons to Increase Car Count for Auto Service Shop Marketing and Advertising

Whenever you think of the word ‘coupon’ you probably think discount. As an auto repair shop owner you’ve probably created a lot of ads or at least seen them where it includes a coupon. It’s either something like ‘Get 10% off some service” or ‘Get $10 off this’ or maybe the good old standard; ‘Mention this ad for a 10% discount’. Whatever the coupon or offer was, you probably stopped doing it because of the poor redemption rates.
Mobile marketing and mCoupons (coupons delivered by text messaging) has changed all of that. In fact, some reports show that mobile coupons have redemption rates that are 10x that of any other format of coupon, online or off. It’s for that reason, as an auto repair shop owner, you really need to get serious about taking your business mobile and using Text Message Marketing.
You can create several different types of coupons. … Read More ...